The vocal studies are accompanied by numerous performance opportunities in the context of:
- Opera performances (e.g. in cooperation with Theater Basel or Gare du Nord)
- choral projects with solo parts
- Vortragsabenden
- Liedduo-concerts
- Master classes with renowned guests such as Margreet Honig (Visiting Professor), Sir Thomas Allen or Ludovic Tézier.
Offer to prepare for these performance opportunities:
- In the musikalisch-szenische Korrepetition/Ensemblekurs, work is done on the singer:s current repertoire. The work includes all musical and interpretive aspects of singing such as intonation, rhythm, stylistic issues, dynamics, affect, text composition, pronunciation, etc.
- Ensemblekurs complements and is an integral part of the correpetition; it offers the opportunity to work on opera ensembles as needed and in consultation with the lecturers.
- Speaking and pronunciation: German and Italian pronunciation are worked on separately in the courses "Sprechen" and "Pronuncia italiana".
- Scenic work, body and breath technique
- Lied: is rehearsed in all fields of study. Is central in the MA SP and in the Minor Lied. Courses on song aesthetics.
- New vocal chamber music for contemporary vocal technique and repertoire.