Avantgarde macht Schule

Avantgarde macht Schule
Exhibition commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Basel Academy of Music, 14 September to 23 December 2017, curated by Corinne Holtz, Basel 2017
When one thinks of the avant-garde, it is first and foremost the artists behind this movement who immediately come to mind. These forward- and experimental thinkers were large-than-life figures who dared to tread their own path, generating a wealth of pioneering ideas and advances along the way. But when it comes to collaborating with an institution, their impact is not always conventionally positive: they can lend it the wow factor and break new ground, but they can be a highly disruptive influence, too. Is avant-garde compatible with a conservatorium? How did a guest performance manage to shape a longstanding institution? Can provocation ever be productive? These are some of the questions that are explored in this exhibition commemorating the fascinating 150-year history of the Basel Academy of Music.