E-Books & E-Journals
JSTOR Journal STORage
Online library of digitised back issues of academic journals across the Humanities and Social Sciences, primarily from the English-speaking world
Musik-Konzepte / Edition Text & Kritik
Series of journals on contemporary music
Cambridge Companions to Music
Series of manuals on music
Oxford Handbooks Music
Series of manuals on music
Open Source
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Directory of open access journals
DOABOOKS Directory of Open Access Books
Directory of open access books
A free online project to collect and edit public domain writings
Individual E-Journal Titles
Acta Musicologica
Journal of the International Musicological Society (IMS)
Login information via mail
AMS Newsletter
Journal of the American Musicological Society
Early Music Online
Journal on Early Music in English
Journal of Organology. Current issue available in the reading room, online one year after printing
üben & musizieren.research
Journal on research in music education